Friday 29 May 2009

Visit us

Now the weather is so warm we hope people will be visiting us and enjoying our produce

Thursday 21 May 2009

Emily Cat

Emily is a friendly cat who adopted us eighteen months ago. By her size I would say she has two homes! I don't think she likes large rodents!

We have now lost three ducks, which seems ironic in a week when we hear that someone in politics claimed for a duck island to protect their ducks from predators. Wish we had one...and a lake to put it on!

Thursday 14 May 2009

duck's luck

One of the ducks has been killed by rats. Not only that, but someone on a neighbouring allotment has found a pile of hen's eggshells in the lane with tiny teethmarks on them! It was known many years ago that there is an old rat-run down this road and a relative's hens were killed by them. So we are busy reinforcing the pens where possible.

Monday 4 May 2009

planting out

One family of volunteers have been planting out lots of seedlings We also have plants for sale now.
We had a break-in last week but they can't stop the Spring from growing!
A sick duck had to be taken to the vet, but after some TLC and medicine in someone's home she is recovering fast.