Monday 24 August 2009

Fruit galore

The blackberries are now ripe on the western hedge. There are plenty to pick every day, and plenty of pickers. Also the vines have done very well, there are bunches of green grapes ready to eat.
The wildflower meadow has been mown and raked, and some flowers such as stitchwort and eggs-and-bacon are coming through again.

Saturday 15 August 2009

Whether the weather?

An important member of the team got married on the 8th so thank goodness the everlasting rain held off!
The rainfall has caused massive leaf growth in tomatoes, blueberries and fuchsias, I notice it in the church garden and at home as well as at the G P. Still, I expect insects enjoy wet weatherHere is a friendly tortoiseshell.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Goodbye, swifts

Well, the swifts are off to Africa for another few months. They seem to arrive in this area around 10th May each year and migrate back in early August. It seems to vary up to two weeks according to weather.
Whilst they are here the swifts are tremendously useful to devour insects over the gardens. They work in groups and their call confuses the insects. Also as a weather forecast, when it is going to rain they fly lower!

It's amazing to think how far these little birds migrate and that they sleep on the wing. this is avideo of the swifts flying very high the night before they left(in case you wondered!)

Sunday 2 August 2009

CSAs together

Last Tuesday we had visitors from some Leicestershire CSA's and someone from the Soil Association came and gave ussome hints and shared info with us about tools, crop rotation, use of time etc.
I was pleased to hear that too much weeding is counterproductive! Soil preparation seems to be important(I knew that!)